Unforeseen blessings becoming an author!

I have surprisingly entered a new subculture as a first-time published author.  In this author-subculture I have made new friends and found more books I want to read.  Oh, for more time to read and write!  What book would you like to read this year?

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I'm presently reading my second book of thought provoking or devotional poetry after another author reached out to me after reading, HE IS! I would like to introduce you to the book, Poems From The Still Of The Night, by Richard Hindmarsh.

Poems From The Still Of The Night by [Richard Hindmarsh]

An excerpt quoted from page 28 and 29 with the author's permission:

Put your heart and soul
into every activity you do,
as though you are doing it for the Lord Himself.
and not merely for others.

Colossians 3:23



I feel the fire within me grow
The flames are getting higher,
I want to sever the Lord my God
His will is my desire,
Whatever you have for me is best
Just put more coals on the fire,
For Lord this day, I want to see
The fire spread because of me.

I have been thoughtfully reading this little book of poetry as I sip a cup of tea in the morning. I'm blessed by pausing and musing about the verse from which the poetry sprung forth as well as the author's own poetic verse as he gives us a window into his heart before God.

Lord, give us a heart for you.  Help us to understand your LIGHT and TRUTH, to feel it, and live it out each day to bring glory to you the GOD WHO IS!  Amen!

I hope you will find time to pause and meditate on who HE IS this year and be blessed.   Blessings to you in 2023!

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