Tag: Author Connie Cook

Connie Cook Worden’s New Bible Study Published

The Crown and the Cup: Spoiler Alert December 18, 2024 / Connie Cook – Republished by Permission of Connie Cook I just published the Bible study I’ve been working on that I’ve mentioned before (and sampled) in this blog. It’s part of a series I’ve called “God’s House Series.” The Crown and the Cup is Book 4. The Kindle version […]

He Is Ministries: Quarterly Newsletter

March 8, 2024 1st Quarter He Is Ministries Newsletter The Musings of Authors Mark R. Worden & Connie Cook Worden Mark’s Margin:  In January of last year, Connie and I met through a Facebook author group and began a friendship through messenger, emails, and eventually calls. We also started reading each other’s books. Then we chose […]

Lyrics by Connie Worden

Photo Credit: Freestockcneter on Freepik Once in a Garden Vs. 1: Once in a garden far away, There lay a blood-red rose Thrown to the earth, A bloody birth Where thorn and sorrow grows. How silent is  That garden now Where every bird did sing. With bated breath The hush of death Would still each […]