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Once in a Garden
Vs. 1: Once in a garden far away,
There lay a blood-red rose
Thrown to the earth,
A bloody birth
Where thorn and sorrow grows.
How silent is
That garden now
Where every bird did sing.
With bated breath
The hush of death
Would still each beating wing.
Vs. 2: Once in a garden grew a rose,
Well-watered with the tears
Of Him who bore
The burden of
The sins of all the years.
His sweat poured down
Upon the ground
To drain the dreadful cup.
The cost He'd bear,
The cross He'd wear,
The sin He'd swallow up.
Vs. 3: Once in a garden lay a rose
Discarded for her thorns
To grace the head
Of Him who bled
And took the mocking scorns.
The King of kings
And of all things
Would wear the bloody bane
Of stories told
Of gardens old
Where sin began to reign.
Vs 4: Once in a garden far away
There rose up from the earth
The Rose of Sharon's
Brightest Bloom
Of rare and finest worth.
Our only need,
The promised Seed
Of her who plucked the rose
Would crush the serpent's fated head
Defeating all His foes.
Vs. 5: Another garden waits for us
At love's redeeming end.
Around the tree
Of life will He
Our every sorrow mend.
The King of kings
Whose triumph rings
Will wear His rightful crown,
A throne His seat,
And at His feet,
We'll lay our trophies down.
Once in a garden far away
There lay a blood-red rose.
By Connie Cook Worden