The book "HE IS! Knowing God through Fifty Scriptural Meditations" has now been circulating and available for over 6 months. People are still reading it, and some have finished and begun to write reviews. In my learning about marketing, it is the reviews that influence others to choose books to read. In past generations reviews or recommendations were done word of mouth. That still works today as well, but we also have word of social media and reviews at on-line books stores where your testimony can be left about a book that influenced you for good. If "HE IS!" has blessed you, I humbly ask that you consider writing an honest review to help others choose to read it and be blessed as well, as they learn to know who God is.
- To leave a review at Amazon,
- a review at WestBow Press,
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One of the challenges of being an author is telling others about your book that changed your own life in the process of writing it, without coming across as a self-promoter. My book does have some autobiographical elements as illustrations to make it relatable to life. However, "HE IS! Knowing God through Fifty Meditations" is primarily about who God is, which would have been dry theology without sharing a little bit about who I am because of who HE IS!
I am still giving the book away in PDF format to whoever asks for it! Fill out the contact the author info and just ask.
I am humbled to have written about God as HE reveals Himself in the Bible. I am blessed now to see how Scripture does its work in people's lives as they read it. Truly, all the glory goes to God!
Please pray for revival to continue to break out all over the world and that the people meant to read "HE IS!" will.

If you are considering giving "HE IS!" away as a gift to someone you are concerned about spiritually, please consider purchasing another book as a prequel to "HE IS!" Last month I stumbled into a friendship with Connie Cook and began reading her books. I discovered "Look Around: Ten Observations that Lead to One Conclusion" to be the perfect companion to be given away with "HE IS!" Connie's book helps one to look at this world we live in and see God naturally through His creation and then gently helps one to see that there is good reason to believe the Bible to be the very word of God for us today, which is a perfect lead into taking the Hebrews 11:6 challenge in "HE IS" to discover who God reveals Himself to be in the Bible.
The journey of one's faith is certainly an adventure in learning to know and be known and to love and be loved by God in relationship with Him and others. I sincerely believe that these 2 books can be greatly used by God to help others along the way on God's quest of faith for them.
Click here to purchase "Look Around!" at Amazon.
Click here to purchase "HE IS!" at Amazon, click here to go to WestBow Press
With much appreciation for your prayers and support.
Blessings, Mark R. Worden