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“HE IS!” Reviews and Recommendations
NEWS The book "HE IS! Knowing God through Fifty Scriptural Meditations" has now been circulating and available for over 6 months. People are still reading it, and some have finished and begun to write reviews. In my learning about marketing, it is the reviews that influence others to choose books to read. In past generations […]

February 16, 2023 Mark Worden

English Plus Language Blog reviews “HE IS!”
I am very thankful for an insightful blog review of "HE IS!" over at the English Plus Language Blog.  I learned somethings about my own book.  The blogger observes that this book is in a catch-22 for marketing because it is between two book marketing categories: Is it a theology book or a devotional book? […]

January 31, 2023 Mark Worden

Meet Indie Christian Writer Connie Cook!
One of my goals for 2023 is to meet indie Christian writers and to read some of their self-published works.  As I stumbled along in the vast field of self-published Christian books, I found treasure in the writings of Connie Cook!  I have read two of her books and highly recommend that you open at […]

January 31, 2023 Mark Worden

Digging deeper in 1 Corinthians 13!
Back at blogging again after a long break from my first blog, MAGNIFY!   The following is from a post that received a lot of traffic years ago and is reposted today for your edification: Love’s Description – Studies in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a I Corinthians 13:4-8a - "Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; […]

January 21, 2023 Mark Worden

Unforeseen blessings becoming an author!
I have surprisingly entered a new subculture as a first-time published author.  In this author-subculture I have made new friends and found more books I want to read.  Oh, for more time to read and write!  What book would you like to read this year? If you are a reader or writer, I encourage to […]

January 17, 2023 Mark Worden

God’s Providence in the History of HE IS!
Do you read the Acknowledgements and the Preface of books you read?   If not, I encourage you to do so!  It often gives one insight into the life of the author and possibly more understanding of his or her message.  God's grace and providence are thick in my life.  Read about it from the Preface […]

January 6, 2023 Mark Worden

Responses to a recent author interview:
Will you tell us something about yourself? I was raised in Southern Oregon but since that time have lived in 4 other states and spent four hot and lovely years in Manaus, Brazil.  Presently, I live in Dillon, Montana these past 18 years. In my spare time I like to grab a fly rod and […]

December 28, 2022 Mark Worden

Merry Christmas from “HE IS!” Ministries!
From my Bible Reading: I started reading through the book a Genesis earlier this month to finish out the year from the beginning of creation.   It helps to add perspective to the preparation of heart and mind for a new year.   I woke up early this morning and posted the following on my personal Facebook […]

December 22, 2022 Mark Worden

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